Home Care Digital

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3 Proven Strategies to Increase Home Care Assessments and Consultations

Nov 07, 2023

Want more home care assessments?

In today's episode of Home Care Digital, we dive into 3 simple and easy changes you can make to start booking more in-home consultations.

 Hello, and welcome to another episode of Home Care Digital! I'm Nick Bonitatibus, and today I'm excited to share with you three simple steps that we've found incredibly effective in attracting more home care assessments. These assessments, often referred to as consultations, are crucial for our industry, as they allow us to connect with potential clients and demonstrate the value we offer. However, we understand that people don't like to feel like they're being sold to. So, let's dive into how we can position these assessments as valuable opportunities.

Sell the Consultation

The first step in attracting more home care assessments is to sell the consultation. We've found that it's essential to present it as a valuable opportunity rather than a sales pitch. We all know that nobody wants to be sold to, but they do want their problems solved. To achieve this, we need to position the consultation as something of value. For instance, we can frame it as a $250 offer that they can get for free today. By doing so, we create a sense of worth and make potential clients feel like they're getting something beneficial.

Change the Name

We've noticed that the traditional names like "assessment" or "consultation" often don't appeal to potential clients. To make our offering more enticing, we've decided to change the name. Some creative alternatives we've used include "Customized Needs Assessment," "Personal Care Plan," "Complimentary Care Path," "Care Strategy Session," or "Care Meet and Greet." By giving our assessment a unique name, we set ourselves apart from the competition and make it more appealing to potential clients.

We've even seen one of our clients experience increased bookings simply by changing the name of their assessment. This small tweak can have a significant impact on how potential clients perceive the value of the assessment.

Emphasize the Results

When promoting our home care assessment, we make sure to focus on the results our clients can expect. We highlight how the assessment will address their needs, clarify their options, and empower them to make informed decisions. We make it clear that they'll leave the assessment with a personalized care plan, complete with resources and next steps for their loved ones. By emphasizing the value and benefits they'll receive, we make the assessment more appealing and less like a sales pitch.


In the world of home care, attracting more clients begins with changing our approach to assessments. By selling the consultation, changing the name to make it unique, and emphasizing the results, we can transform our home care assessment into a valuable opportunity that potential clients will be eager to explore.

Remember, people don't like to be sold, but they love to buy, especially when it's something valuable and free. So, we encourage you to give these steps a try and watch your home care assessments become an attractive and sought-after service.

If you're interested in learning more about leveraging video to grow your home care business, we have a free mini course available at homecarebrandmastery.com. In just two hours a month, you can create compelling video assets to help you attract more clients, caregivers, and referral sources. Don't miss this opportunity to boost your home care business's visibility!

So, start implementing these three steps today, and see how they can help you attract more home care assessments and consultations, ultimately driving the success of your home care agency.


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