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5 Ways To Create Videos More Consistently

Aug 12, 2021

Want results with video? Then you need to show up consistently! Here are 5 ways to help...

Discover the insider secrets to generate more leads, more sales, and more customers using social media. Download Video Social 101:


1. Plan

If we are making video content and trying to do it every single week, or trying to just put out the content without a plan, it makes it so much more difficult. This leads to inconsistency.

When we create a plan and we create a strategy, and utilize our video marketing around all of our other marketing, whether it be different holidays that are coming up, or different events that you're running, and promoting those events in the content that we're creating, you're gonna have a greater effect. The more that we plan ahead the more likely that we're gonna show up consistently, and the more effective it's going be.

2. Batch Record

When you record multiple videos it has a massive impact because you're able to now have a whole library that you can schedule out and so that you know that you're gonna show up consistently over a period of time. Batching also helps you to create better video. It allows you to get more comfortable on camera as you record each video. when you film more.

You are likely to have more outtakes in video one but as you get to 2 and 3 you will have less and less. When we have this set plan, we batch a bunch of videos, and record it allows us to get in a flow state that makes it easier so again that we can show up and post these videos consistently.

3. Outsourcing The Editing

This is a huge thing that saves so much time. If your only job as a busy business owner is to just plan and then batch record a bunch and not have to worry about the editing process. You can just push this out to an organization and they take care of it for you (my organization can help you with that).

Outsourcing the editing makes things super easy so that you can show up consistently. So all you have to do is record and then you get a bunch of well-polished edited videos that you (or a member of your team) can now schedule out accordingly.

4. Pick A Day To Post

Social accountability is a powerful tool. Your audience will hold you accountable for the days that you're gonna be posting videos, and that's going help you to show up.

So if you're videoing and you say, hey you're gonna be publishing a video every Thursday then your audience is expecting that and you would have made sure that you deliver.

Consistency is so important. Post your videos once a week, once every 2 weeks or once a month, but make sure its consistent. 

5. Have Fun

Talk about topics that you actually like to talk about that you think are valuable. It's gonna make videos so much easier.

Don't worry about trying to use technical medial terms to sound intelligent. Instead make it as simple and easy to understand so your audience can take action and get results.

If we're having fun, it's gonna show through the video it's gonna show that we love helping people.

talking about this, that you just enjoy educating people, being an industry expert and showing up. And so again, if you want things to show up consistently, you gotta have fun.

BONUS TIP: Make Video Easy

If you want show up more consistently than it is time start making video easy. What do I mean? If we perceive video as difficult, it's gonna be difficult, but if you choose to see it as easy, then it becomes easy.

Could it be that simple, Nick?

It is, I promise you. The more that you do it, it becomes easy it becomes simple to just put up a camera, start recording and making some videos. When you, the more that you do it, the more comfortable you become and then it becomes easy for you to consistently show up.

If you feel that it's hard, understand that you're choosing to make it seem hard because maybe you've never done it before. The more that you start to get more comfortable, the more that you start to do it. 

When you follow this process where you're planning, batching, outsourcing, picking a day and having fun, it's going to make things easier so that you can show up consistently for your audience and get the results that video marketing can deliver for your home care business.

Go out there and make it happen so that you can show up consistently. That is what it is going to take to be successful in video marketing on social media. There is not one magic video, but consistently showing up for your audience, educating them, being industry leaders that you make an impact, make a difference on the lives of your audience.


If you wanna learn more about leveraging social media and video marketing, download my free ebook "Video Social 101" so you can get started today.



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