Home Care Digital

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Home Care Leads: How To Increase Website Traffic

Sep 09, 2021

Increase Your Home Care Leads: Here's How...

Download My NEW E-Book - Home Care Leads Here: https://www.thedigitalchamps.com/leads


Are you wondering why you aren't getting more leads from your website and what you're doing online? Here's why.

So many Home Care businesses don't actually have a way to collect leads unless somebody is trying trying to contact you. When we go to our website, our Home Care website, we need to have a lead magnet.

A lead magnet is a resource that somebody can download if they give you their name and email address. So here's the thing.

There are so many people already going to your website, checking you out, but they're not ready to contact you just yet. If they wanted to contact you, then they would. But there's so much traffic that you're already driving to your site, but you're not capturing them as a lead.

Most people are only seeing online leads when someone completes a contact us form. If that is the case then you are missing out on 80% plus people that are coming to your website "the shoppers". They're looking around. They're not really sure, all right.

We wanna create a powerful lead magnet that's gonna be a great tool. Now to learn more about utilizing, creating a lead magnet, you can download my lead magnet called "Home Care Leads." You can get this at www.thedigitalchamps.com/leads , and that's going to explain more about how to create a lead magnet for you as well as how to drive more traffic to your site.

How you can get more leads from your website? By creating a great resource for you clients.

Now, the second thing, in getting more leads to your website is driving traffic to the lead magnet.

If we're just posting on social media and putting our website and saying, go schedule a call, contact us, contact us, contact us. This is exactly why it's not working. Your social media is not a billboard.

Hopefully you're not doing that, but if you are now you can make corrections.

The effect way to get results by creating amazing content. And that's what you do to drive traffic to the website and to the lead magnet.

There's a number of different topics that you can create for you lead magnet and I share some examples in the E-Book Home Care Leads.

Once we have chosen our lead magnet than we want to drive traffic. One way is through video content. And this video content is going to be helpful to drive traffic because all video content should have a CTA.




So instead of ending our videos with "Hey, call us today, call us today, call us today." You can now drive them to this lead magnet that's going to capture their information. 

Once you have their information you can send them you newsletter so that you can continue to stay in touch with them, continue to stay in front of them. Plus, you're providing a great resource so then you're becoming the leading expert because you're providing great value for them.

Let's review... 

Create a lead magnet that captures their name and email address.

We don't want do anything more than that. Because it is statistically proven that you will get more leads by asking for less information. 

The reason this is effecting is once we have captured their information we can then continue to nurture and build the relationship.

What's great too is if you have a really great resource to share with your audience you can use it with prospects that call, but haven't said yes to the sale.

Go out there make a lead magnet and drive traffic to it!

If you would like to learn more about creating an effective lead magnet - check out my brand new free book, "Home Care Leads."



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