Home Care Digital

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How To Create A Greater Impact

Aug 12, 2020

On today's episode of Digital Champions, I'm talking about how to create a greater impact.

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When it comes to social media, what do you post? What do you share? What type of video content do you create?

I focus on the three Es




So how can we focus on those three areas? But even better, rather than doing those individual three Es, how can we incorporate all three Es?

If you've seen my videos, you know that I try and entertain with some crazy effects or do some jokes throughout.

I try and empower you guys to do video, get out of your comfort zone, and make it happen. And then that last one, education, which is really the forefront, I am such a huge proponent of utilizing the power of education in your social media because that is what gets shared. People want to learn.

We have this natural instinct. Think about a child when they're growing up. They're always just looking, eyes wandering, trying to find, bringing in as much information as they possibly can.

And as adults, we do lose that a little bit but as an entrepreneur, you need to have that educational mindset and also be willing to teach others. That will bring more people into your circle because that's something that your audience can get behind. 

If you're trying to sell in your videos, people don't wanna share that, but if you're providing valuable information, that's what's going to get that exponential reach. I want to share a quote with you from Nelson Mandela and he says "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." And I truly, truly believe this in my deepest heart.

Now, this is how we can make an impact on the world is through education. The thing is, people don't know what you know. You have valuable information in your head to share. Therefore, you have a responsibility to share that information.

"With great power comes great responsibility." Yes, thank you, uncle Ben, from Spider-Man.

So it is important to understand that you have the power to impact so many people while simultaneously marketing your business.

This will allow you to continue to learn yourself, which will then help you to continue to create more and more content. Then start recording and start sharing it. Educate them, empower them, and if you can, entertain them. Remember, those three Es, make it happen.

Go get it, start making videos!

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