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How To Get More Home Care Referrals From Referral Sources

Feb 16, 2022

This will change how you connect and collaborate with referrals sources to get more referrals. Have a listen!

The number one thing when it comes to home care is understanding that this business is about building relationships. If we're being honest, all businesses are about building relationships. It's an essential piece of growing any business no matter what business you are in. I love this quote...

"The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your relationships. The quality of your business is no different." - Harvey McKay

Building relationships is a fundamental piece of how we're leveraging what we're doing and how we're getting referrals. So what can we do in order to establish these relationships, to get people to know us, aside from let's say networking events?

We can actually create our own networking opportunity by having a show! It be a podcast or a video series is one of the greatest ways for you to make new connections as well as creating great marketing materials.

When you have a podcast or a video series, it gives you the opportunity to reach out to referral sources and say...

"Hey, I have a show, and I'd like for you to be on it so that I can market your business for you.

"Wait, you want to market my business for me for free?"

"Yep. How amazing is that?"

Of course they're gonna say yes. And what this does is it presents you with an opportunity to use that time when you're recording to actually network. Before you hit record, use the beginning of the session to get to know them and network and then you network again at the end. It becomes its own networking event!

In addition, when you do this type of collaborative effort, they're sharing it on social media. You're tagging them. Now you're getting in front of their audience. They love it because now they have content that they can share.

Both parties win! It is a way to do it online as well as creating great social media content at the same time that you can send to your email list as all part of your digital marketing strategy.

What's really great about this too, is that they're creating the content for you. So you don't even have to create content. They do the work, they answer questions that you're presenting to them that's going to help your audience and help their audience. Now you've created this great tool, this great resource that they can use on a regular basis, that you can use in your marketing effort to get in front of more people.

Let me share a quick example.

This is Paul. He's a member of Lead Machine Academy. And what was so awesome about this is he's just getting started on his video series. He partnered up with one of his friends and they are already seeing results.

He put out a message on LinkedIn letting people know about the show and as you can see in the image below he said "we're always looking for guests to join us so feel free to message me or Jason if you are interested."

What's so amazing about this is that his inbox ended up getting flooded with people coming to him because people love free marketing! By having this outreach, now people are actually coming to him to be on the show.

Being the leader and having something like this is such a powerful marketing tool so that you can...

  • Start Conversations
  • Build Relationships
  • Create Marketing Materials (for you and them)
  • Get In Front of New Audiences
  • Generate Referrals

Having a video series or podcast is one of the most amazing things that you can do for your business.

So let's review how to get more referrals...

  1. Create a Show
  2. Tell People About Your Show
  3. Ask people to be on your show
  4. Post Your Show Across Social Media

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