Home Care Digital

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Implementing O.V.O. In Your Business

Feb 18, 2021

Now, when it comes to video, social media, and your marketing in general, we do this before we do anything else.

One of the most important things for your business is to generate leads. So whether it be your website, or an opt-in page, that's the first thing that we need. All right.

So, O.V.O.

O: Opt-In

We need to make sure that everything that we have on our website is designed to generate leads. An opt-in page is essential for us to get their name and email address. I don't recommend anything more than that because people don't like giving away too much stuff.

So, that's the start. We have the opt-in. We gather the information so that we can own our audience. I've talked about this a lot in the series. You know, this is essential.

Once they opt in, they are going to the value.

V: Value

We need something that is valuable. Why do they want to opt in? What is important that they want to opt in? We need to provide some type of value, that's something that they want, something that's going to do a few different things.

One of the most important things when it comes to having our value is that it creates a need for our services and/or products. This is essential. This is a huge part. We want to make sure that this is something that people actually want.

Don't just create something cause you're like, "oh, well this will be cool." We want to make sure that our free download, whatever it is, is going to be effective.

Now, personally, I think that eBooks and free downloads are a thing of the past. We should be doing something where the value that is video related.

A video training has a a much greater opportunity to get your message across and really get people to know you. When you have something that's video, is it's going to be more personal, and it gives you the opportunity to really open up, and share a ton of things about you. Share your story, share about what your experiences and your credentials.

Then it gives you an opportunity to deliver great content that's going to be valuable, that's going to stick with them, and that they're willing to watch, and take the time to watch, because it's something that they want and need.

Then the last thing and the most important thing is the offer.

O: Offer

We need to have a strong call to action. This is essential for getting results. Specifically for my coaches and course creators out there, we should have a product offer. Something here that's going to be effective, that's going to generate revenue for us. This is how we can automate our business. This is how we can get business when we are sleeping. This is how we work when we're not actually working.

Now, if you're not a course creator or you don't have a product, we want to make sure that this offer is still strong.

So, an offer or call to action, generally we want the sale, that's the goal, but if depending on what you do you may have a different offer. It could be as simple as a consultation where they can schedule a call.

And as we're doing this, how can we make this that it doesn't require our time?

Automation is key for the success of our business. As you can see, this is us automating our business.

So before you do anything on social media, before you do any videos that you create, make sure that your website, and or have a landing page, which I do recommend for that opt-in.

The key to a successful opt-in is having a simple landing page, because if you give people too many options then they don't click anything. Your opt-in, your offer, your value, should be the only thing that they have to do when they get to your website.

These things are essential for your business. If you don't have this create something right now before you do any thing else. Go out there, crush it.

One more thing, if you like this content, and you want to learn how you can generate leads consistently, like I do in my business using video, check out my free training.

All you have to do is go to www.thedigitalchamps.com/video.

See you there!


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