Home Care Digital

Tune in every week for "Home Care Digital" for FREE educational content from Nick and other leading experts in the industry on how to grow and scale your home care business. 

Caregiver Recruitment & Retention Done Differently with Carework May 08, 2023

Are your marketing materials attracting high-quality caregivers?

These days in home care, marketing is just as much about drawing in high-quality caregivers as it is potential clients. If you...

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How To Increase Client Conversions May 02, 2023

It’s the lifeblood of your home care business…

Sales! Some embrace it and some run from it, but your business will never grow without it.

So many agencies spend so much time and effort...

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How To Build Strong Home Care Partnerships That Actually Refer Apr 25, 2023

 It doesn’t matter what business you are in…

One of the fundamentals aspects of all businesses is building relationships. However, the key element in home care is if those...

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How To Build A More Profitable Home Care Business Apr 18, 2023

Profit first!!

The problem that many home care agencies are facing is that they are not focusing enough time on their margins. On today's episode of Home Care Digital, we welcome my friend and...

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How To Automate Recruiting That ACTUALLY Gets Results Apr 03, 2023

The one thing you can't get more of...


But what if you could?

What if there was a way to save 20 hours a week on recruiting?

Chris Bowker, one of the Co-Founders of Pre-Intent, is here to...

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What Type of Caregiver Interview Has The Greatest Show Up Rate? Mar 27, 2023

Zoom? Phone? In-Person?

What is the best interview type for caregivers to increase show up rate? You asked, we answered!

The Co-Founder of Pre-Intent, Chris Bowker, is back to give you the inside...

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The #1 Single Thing You Can Do To Have The Greatest Impact On Your Recruitment Process Mar 20, 2023

Recruitment game changer!!!

Doing this one thing will dramatically change your recruitment results.

Today, we welcome special guest Chris Bowker, Co-Founder of Pre-Intent, as he discusses the #1...

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Finding More Joy For High Achievers Mar 14, 2023

Personally, I believe there are so many people out there that just are not happy with their lives, so when I read a book that has the power to change that - I want to talk about it. 

When you...

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How to Humanize your Brand Mar 01, 2023


These bland stock photos and inauthentic social media content needs to go! It is not helping your business.

It is not B2b (Business to Business) or B2C (Business To Consumer) - it is P...

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Make Social Media Easy Feb 22, 2023

If only...

Social media can be extremely difficult and time consuming if you don't know what you're doing. It is also a big waste of time and money if you are doing it wrong.

Here are a few things...

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Top 3 Best Social Media Platforms for Home Care Feb 15, 2023

Do you know what social media sites to go on?

Have no fear.

Hi, I'm Nick Bonitatibus and today on Home Care Digital, we're talking about the three best social media platforms that you should...

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What You Should Know Before Running Home Care Ads Feb 08, 2023

Ads don't work.

Have you ever heard that?

Or, have you ever said that?

On this post of Homecare Digital, we're talking about what you need to know about ads and whether or not they can work...

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