Home Care Digital

Tune in every week for "Home Care Digital" for FREE educational content from Nick and other leading experts in the industry on how to grow and scale your home care business. 

How To Get More Home Care Referrals From Referral Sources Feb 16, 2022

This will change how you connect and collaborate with referrals sources to get more referrals. Have a listen!

The number one thing when it comes to home care is understanding that this business is...

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How To Get Better Results On Social Media Feb 09, 2022

Social media is a big waste of time...

If it doesn't generate results!

On today's episode of Homecare Digital, we're talking about one simple thing you can do to get better results on the...

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How To Measure Social Media Success (ROI) Feb 02, 2022

You're told to post to social media, but how do you know it is working? On today's episode of Home Care Digital, we are talking about how to measure social media success.

1. Reach

The first way to...

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Holiday Videos To Create For Home Care Dec 15, 2021

Ho, Ho, Ho! With Christmas is coming up we're going to talk about some great holiday themed videos for you to make for your home care business.


1. Senior Gifts

What a great idea...

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How To Increase Social Media Engagement For Your Home Care Business Dec 08, 2021

Want to increase your social media engagement?

Looking to increase your social media engagement? Here's how.

When it comes to your social media and understanding how engagement works, it's...

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Linked In Marketing For Home Care Businesses Dec 01, 2021

Linked In Marketing: Here's How To Use It For Your Home Care Business...

Let's Connect - Click Here


If you want to get more referrals and business - utilizing LinkedIn is a great...

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Thanksgiving Home Care Marketing: How To Generate More Referrals Nov 17, 2021

Your Thanksgiving Marketing Strategy Is HERE!!

Today, we're talking about Thanksgiving marketing for home care and things that you can do to give thanks.

What's so awesome is realizing that there...

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What Is The Best Time To Post On Social Media For Home Care Nov 10, 2021

When is the best time to post on social media? One of the most common questions - answered!

I get asked all the time. The answer is really simple to find out.

But first, there are some common...

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Caregiver Recruitment: How To Increase Caregiver Interview Show Up Rate Nov 03, 2021

Not again! You spent all that time, energy and money to recruit get applications, but then they don't show up for the interview.

Aside from calling out a search party, here are a few things you can...

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How To Overcome The Fear Of Being On Camera Oct 27, 2021

Happy Halloween!!! Are you afraid???

On today's episode we're talking about overcoming the fear of being on camera so you can stand out and generate more leads for your business!

Want to generate...

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3 Ways How To Make Better Videos Before Hitting Record Oct 22, 2021

Want to make better videos? All we got to do is increase our energy! So how can we go about making better videos by increasing our energy?

1. Stand Up When You Record

Standing is a great way...

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Home Care SEO: How To Increase Search Engine Optimization For Home Care Sep 22, 2021

Want your home care business to show up more on google searches? Here's a quick video on how to increase your search engine optimization (SEO).

The Home Care Leads Workshop (Sept 28th to 30th):...

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